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Sunday, February 23, 2014

Online Medical Supply

As children our parents were taught to stigmatise and shame us out of online medical supply. This method was effective at resolving the issue but now causes us to be wrongly embarrased by the incontinence issues of our parents. Wetting the bed as a child was an issue of self control. Bedwetting as an adult is usually a health related problem and so shame should not be part of the equation.

Worse, our parents are shamed by their inability to control bladder function and are afraid to go out in public for fear of peeing in their pants or online medical supply.

It is critical for the children of the elderly to prepare for the eventuality of bed wetting mentally. When incontinence issues arise they should approach the issue from the standpoint of a child who has spilled milk, not a child who has repeatedly wet the bed. Comfort them and let them know that many incontinence products are available to them. Tell them they will still be able to lead a normal life with some minor modifications related to the bedwetting control issues that have arisen.

Adult diapers and panty liners as well as catheters with leg bags can help them get around during the day.  Waterproof mattresses, odor free reusable bed wetting pads, disposable bedwetting pads and waterproof mattress covers are but a few of the tools available to control the incontinence problems at night or while in bed.

And children and caregivers of the elderly must recognise the dangers of online medical supply once the problem starts. Once bedridden or if hidden and not properly taken care of, bedwetting results in the harsh chemical breakdown of the skin and can lead to open sores and infection. The elderly who become incontinent are at greatest risk for bedwetting to lead to much more grave medical issues like bed sores and skin ulcers. Open wounds in the elderly often lead to infection and death.

Vinyl Pull-On Pants
Quiet, soft vinyl eliminates embarrassing crinkling sounds for dependable and discreet incontinence protection. Elasticized waist and leg vinyl pull-on pants gathers for secure comfortable fit and leakage protection. Machine wash and dry with bleach. Antibacterial for improved odor control and latex free. One year warranty.

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 Product Size Options:
  • Small (20-26 inches) 
  • Medium (26-34 inches) 
  • Large (34-42 inches) 
  • X-Large (42-52 inches) 
  • 2X-Large (52 + inches)